Kagefit Academy is home to some of the most anticipated Mixed Martial Arts fighters in the region. We have set high standards for training and instruction and we are proud to share that with every one in our community.
Our training systems include everything from Muay Thai and BJJ to Kickboxing, Group Fitness, and even high-energy Kids Martial Arts classes. We are helping people of all skill levels find success with hands-on instruction and an ego-free environment.
Come see us today and try it out for yourself!

Shane is the Owner and Head Coach of Kagefit Academy. He is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt. He is also a Muay Thai and Boxing Striking Base under American Killer Bee's. He is the creator of the Kagefit workout system.
Shane Mills
Owner and Chief Instructor

Tre'ston is a professional MMA Fighter and a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Brown Belt. He is a Muay Thai and Boxing Coach and operator of World Class Combat Training. He was 10-2 in his amateur MMA career and SHP Welterweight Champion. He was 2-0 in his Muay Thai career and Boxing careers SouthernChampion and Alabama Golden Gloves Novice Champion.